The list of names is intended for entry into the family tree. Here you can find the family names of all persons who appear in this family tree. If you click on a family name from the name register, you will be taken to the names of all persons who have this surname. Here are - as far as known - date of birth and place of birth. By selecting the desired person, you will be taken to your family tree. This alphabetical list of names often includes people (children) who have not yet started a family (see below), so that sometimes you can find the right family by searching for the children.

You will notice that the spelling of the names in the family tree and in the other documents is sometimes different even though it is the same person. This used to be quite common, because the names were mostly written by ear and the writer - often the pastor - sometimes translated them into High German and wrote them down, but sometimes he also wrote them down in Low German, the then familiar dialect. For the most part, I tried to reproduce them historically correctly and therefore took over the spellings found there.

Different to the list of names : You should start with the search for a name from today's spelling. I have tried to "standardize" names that used to be written quite differently in the current way of writing. This means, for example, that you will find the names Scharenberg and Scharpenbarg under the surname Scharnberg, under Zingelmann also the names Singelmann and Sengelmann, just to name a few examples. If you select a family name in the name list, the following alphabetical list of names also shows you all similar written but identical surnames. This can be names that used to be spelled differently than they used to be today (see justification above), but they can also be names that sound the same with different spellings today like for example Schmitt and Schmidt.

The family tree is grouped according to families, which means that you see the first family entry as the male head of the family, a line below you see his parents with a link to their data. Then his spouse also with a link to his parents. Then follow the children (numbered from 1 to ...), which, if they have already started a family, can also be reached via a link to their family head.

Within the family tree you can now move to the ancestors via the "parents link", or via the "children's link" to the descendants. Using the link to the spouse's parents, search the maternal line.

The abbreviations used are:

*Date of birth
(*)extramarital birth
~Date of baptism - only this date was initially entered in the parish registers
Date of death - can be found only in about 1770 in the church books
[]Date of the funeral - was registered until about 1770 in the church books
ooDate of marriage, multiple marriages are identified by 1.oo, 2.oo etc.
o/oDate of divorce
 The NICKNAME , if known, is in capital letters

Incidentally, if you click on the family crest on the start page, you start directly in my family tree.

Meanwhile, the family tree with its many pictures has become so big that I can no longer put it in one file only. The loading times would have been so high that nobody would have bothered to take a closer look at the pedigree. I have therefore distributed the pedigree to several files. In doing so, I have made sure that the data of all persons of one or sometimes several clans are stored in the respective file.
Via the list of names - the usual entry - you can reach every single person in the family tree. If you're in the tree and scrolling up and down with the scrollbars on the right side of the screen, you're only moving within that clan/s. You will then no longer be able to reach all the people in the family tree by scrolling. The links to the parents or children of course continue to work, even beyond the mentioned file sizes.
I chose this split because I assumed that you were primarily interested in people within a clan.