The following information I have essentially taken from the literature mentioned below, in part they are also from my correspondence with a Dutchman, who was interested in the knight seats in Emsland:
Die Rittersitze des Emslandes
from Rudolf vom Bruch
Manufactor: Aschendorff, Münster, Westfalen
Contributions to Heeder Ortsgeschichte
Heede 1978
by Hermann Abels
Heede home and tourist office
Erich II of Saxe-Lauenburg (* 1472, † October 20, 1522) was 1502/1503 Bishop of Hildesheim and 1508 to 1522
Bishop of Münster. On February 24, 1508, the Münster cathedral chapter elected Erich II as bishop of Münster.
When Erich went to Münster, the brothers Hans and Ludger von Scharpenberg from Niendorf a.d. followed him.
Stecknitz. Ludger became Dropf in 1510 Cloppenburg, Hans was Drost of Emslandes.
(The function of a Drosten is similar to the bailiff, government President or District Administrator.)
Hans had been married in the first marriage with Heilke von Brae to Campe, whereby he had fallen a castle loan of the collegiate Nienhaus, with whom he was 1554 and was inherited by his descendants. In 1529 he was called Drost zu Delmenhorst when the Abbot of Stift Wildeshausen entrusted him with a Burgmannshof in Haselünne and the associated Tyverding heritage. His estate Heede received in the following years after the owning family the name Scharpenburg, although it is listed in the Letters Lean always only under the old name knight seat Heede.
Hans von Scharpenberg was no longer alive in 1537. He was succeeded by his son Joachim, who was loaned this year with the Scharpenburg and the Nienhauser Burglehn. In an estate of May 3, 1546, he relinquished his estates to his brother Hans, married to Anna von Voss to Quakenbrück. Hans died in 1561 during the Lunar New Year and was inherited by his son Vollhardt. After Vollhardt's death, his eldest son, Hans Vollhardt, followed in 1602. However, he soon joined the Scharpenburg with the Both Burgmann's loan from his brother Engelbert, who was 1613 thus entrusted. He kept for himself the property located in the Münsterland and moved to the old family estate of his family in Niendorf a.d. Stegnitz. Here in 1581 he had so generously endowed the chapel there that it could be elevated to a parish church. His son, whose name was also Hans Vollhardt, attached a still well-preserved wood-painted epitaph in the church on April 23, 1614 for himself and his wife Katharina von Ascheberg.
Engelbert married Tetta von Plettenberg to Osterwedde. He suffered greatly from the tribulations of the Thirty Years' War, as the village of Heede was located on the old Leftematic traffic road from Ostfriesland to Westphalia, which was run by all the belligerents. At Engelbert's death in 1655, Scharpenburg was burdened with a debt burden that still caused his successors many worries.
Engelbert left 2 daughters, of which the older Anna Almoed became heir to the estate. She had married on 2 December 1642 with the Obristwachtmeister Hermann Friedrich von Pinninck, who came from a Dutch Adeslfamilie. Their descendants took the name von Pinninck von Scharpenburg.
In the following centuries, connected by various marriages, z.T. were also marked with name extensions, the estate was splintered into many ownership interests. The estate's Fideikommißeigenschaft was removed on August 18, 1938. The size of the property, which has been sold for more than 150 years in small leases, last 121 ha. On 13 June 1956, the community of heirs sold 115 acres of the property Scharpenburg to the Hannoversche Landgesellschaft and kept only an area of 5.19 ha including the hemaligen Burgplatzes with the ancient lime tree, which tells of ancient times with its trunk circumference of 13.5 m and its trunk, which divides in 4 m height into 16 tree-strong branches.
In 1973, the grave slab of Wollrath Nagell of Scharpenborg (1616-1645) was rediscovered in the old church in Heede. She carries the inscription:
Anno 1616 ist der wohl Edelgeborene Gestreng undt [...]ft Wollrath Nagell von Scharffenberg, Erbgesessen zur Scharpenborgh undt Borchmann zu Haselünne, auf dieser Welt gebohrn undt Ano 1645 ahm 3. [...] in de Heren entschlaffen, Deszen Seele Gott gnedich sey
Left and right we find the ancestral coats of arms of the families. Scharpenborg, Langen, Vosz, Klae, Kluber, Stafhors (t), Ritzerow, Vrese and on the right (dam) Plettenberg, Manninga, Nagel, Oldersum, Torck, Vrese, von Brae, Ewshum.