Dairy Trittau 1993 - 100th anniversary
Founded in 1893

For more than 120 years, the dairy has shaped our town in the center of Trittau. In 1893 22 farmers from Trittau and Hamfelde / Stormarn as well as Hamfelde / Lauenburg joined the initiative of the mill owner Willer and founded a dairy cooperative for the joint processing of the milk. In 1894 the cooperative bought a 937 m² plot of land on Kirchenstraße and built a dairy for 27,438 Reichsmark. To finance a loan over 25,000 Reichsmark took. Each co-owner was registered with a land charge equal to the quota of his land area, which was deducted in annual installments from the milk delivery credits. The dairy farm opened on 18 December 1894.

The technical development of e.g. Continuously working milk centrifuges or bucket centrifuges had made the then customary processing of milk and butter on the farms unprofitable, so that from about 1870 in Schleswig-Holstein more dairy founded, first at the village level and after expansion of the traffic and road system also nationwide.


of the milk suppliers

  •     1910 -  21 members of an unrestricted cooperative provided 501,354 kg of milk in the first year
  • from 1937 - 143 members after conversion into a limited liability cooperative
  •     1938 - farmers from Koberg and Sirksfelde come to Trittau, as Koberger Meierei is closed
  •     1939 - milk from Grönwohld and Lütjensee comes to Trittau, as Grönwohl der Meierei is closed
  •     1941 - Linauer farmers deliver to Trittau, as Meierei Kalkkuhle is closed
  •     1943 - Assignment of 6 other villages, as the Hansa-Meierei from Hamburg had been badly damaged by the war
  •     1958 - dairy Schiphorst closes and is taken over by dairy Trittau
  •     1963 - United dairies Ahrensburg, Christian Ott & co, is taken over by purchase
  •     1970 - Fusion with the dairies Schönberg and Nusse
  •     1971 - Parts of the catchment area of the dairy Fuhlenhagen are taken over, merger with the dairy Labenz
  •     1972 - Takeover of the collection and sales area of the private dairy Möller from Bad Oldesloe
  •     1978 - private dairy Bertz closes and the farmers from Bargteheide, Tremsbüttel, Hammoor and Nienwohld deliver to Trittau
  •     1981 - Parts of the catchment area of the dairy Möhnsen go to dairy Trittau (Kasseburg, Basthorst and farmers from Möhnsen)
  •     1982 - the villages Siebenbäumen, Grinau and Schürensöhlen deliver to Trittau
  • ab 1984 - numerous milk suppliers from Rausdorf, Stellau, Kronshorst, Langelohe, Stapelfeld and Todendorf-Sprenge moved to Trittau
  •     1990 - Retail customers of the otherwise merged LMZ Schwarzenbek move to Trittau
  •     1993 - 100th anniversary. Out of 550 Schleswig-Holstein dairies from 1950, there are still 36, including Trittau with 330 farmers.
  •     1995 - 36 organic farms deliver their milk to Trittau, from which the milk "Hamfelder Hof" is produced
  • Development

    of the buildings

    Dairy Trittau around 1936

    Dairy Trittau around 1924
    The picture on the right shows the dairy around 1924, i. this is probably the original building from 1894 (Click on the picture to enlarge). In 1911, the dairy building was first expanded, a new steam engine was installed and set up a cheese factory. After years of stagnation, caused by the war and inflation, it was not until 1927 that major acquisitions and structural enlargements followed. The amount of milk delivered had increased in 1926 to 1.573 million kilograms. The dairy, which was technically and commercially ruined in 1936, urgently needed to be modernized, but this required considerable convincing work on the part of the members. In addition, the mighty Dairy Association of Hamburg would have preferred the Trittauer dairy closed. However, in 1936, newly appointed plant manager Wilhelm Gosch was able to sail around the cliffs with the support of the machinery and construction advice center of the new dairy industry association. Initially, the modernization was estimated at RM 60,000, but it actually cost RM 135,000. Nevertheless, the economic basis was given, because after the conversion into a limited liability cooperative all suppliers were allowed to join as members.

    At the end of 1937, the topping-out ceremony for the extension (see left) was celebrated.

    Ice factory 1948

    In 1947/48 a new deep well had to be drilled. After the currency reform, the shortage of milk again became a surplus product. Therefore, they ventured to the establishment of a cheese factory. At 70,000 DM construction costs that was not without risk so soon after the currency reform. Because many dairies had come up with the same idea, the Cheese Market collapsed in 1949. Therefore, a micro dairy was set up only in the basement of the new building. On the ground floor, hand-shaped ice-cream was to be produced instead - the "Ice Factory" was created (see right).

    Up to 14 women worked during the summer months filling the ice molds, inserting the stems and packing the frozen ice cream portions by hand. The ice master served the freezer and supervised the many manual work of the helpers on precise position of the wooden handles and firm winding of the finished ice pieces. The ice was called "Mili", Mili should discreetly point out the milk content in the ice, although this was still prohibited under the then valid management rules.

    Extension 1954

    The amount of milk increased. Quark, cream cheese, whipped cream, bottled milk, school cocoa and yoghurt were produced in increasing quantities. In 1953, an adjoining property was acquired by Rudolf Scharnberg and the extension could be completed by the end of 1955.

    The delivery of the milk took place until about 1955, mainly with horse and wagon, followed by delivery vans, some with Tractor and trucks in their place.

    1960 - Potato steaming plant

    1969 - Road and side view

    Milk delivery in pitchers - until 1969

    At a general assembly in 1968, the cooperative decided after a heated debate, the conversion of milk collection on tank trucks in a two-day cycle. The conversion in the course of the year 1969 required substantial investments, because the dairy had committed itself to install a Michkühlwanne on each farm and to wait in future her own expense. On the other hand, farmers also had to build proper milk chambers and paved driveways for tankers. Although these measures required considerable sums, they were essential in the interests of milk quality. The now possible rapid cooling to 4 degrees Celcius improved the raw milk quality significantly. About 120 mostly smaller suppliers gave up milk production at that time. For the remaining members, the new system brought more quality assurance, easing work and time independence into one's own daily routine.

    In 1970, an extension of the dairy for the milk collection delivery by tanker was completed and since then the dairy egg looks like the picture for the 100th anniversary in 1993 (see above).


    of the technique

    Steam engine Initially butter was produced in the most cooperatively operated dairies. The first steam engines for the drive of centrifuges, pumps and churns found their way into the newly founded dairies, also in Trittau. Resourceful manufacturers developed suitable machines and devices that were constantly improved in their function and with which, as a result, ever larger quantities of milk could be processed.

    Stirrer heater 1928

    In 1895 a second centrifuge was purchased in Trittau, in 1898 a pasteurization apparatus and in 1905 a skimmed milk heater. In the winter of 1937/38, the company got a completely new equipment. Most important change: All machines received a single electrical drive, the steam engine had its day. In 1941, two new Phoenix C-Supra channel plate heaters with an hourly output of 4,000 liters each, new Westfalia centrifuges and the first Linde R-S 30 chiller were added.

    The dairy employees had to master great problems at the end of World War II. In March 1945, the farmers from the area had to drive one-meter logs of beech wood from the Hahnheide to the dairy, as there was no hard coal left. Up to 10 assistants, old men, women and children were daily occupied with wood saws and columns as well as the transport to the steam boiler. On May 1, 1945 Trittau was several hours under artillery fire, and the Meiereigebäude received some hits. Nevertheless brought the farmers from the surrounding area on the next day on time their milk. But the dairy had no electricity, coal, steam, water, or auxiliaries. The can contents were estimated and poured into the open reception basin. By word-of-mouth propaganda the Trittauer population learned that there was plenty of milk to get without tags in the largest possible vessels. The money was collected next to the centrifuge from mother Gosch in a cigar box.

    The first ice delivery vehicle

    In 1949, the "ice factory" received its technical original equipment, which was relatively small, so that on hot days, the capacity in production, storage, distribution and sales was neither back nor front enough.

    Vehicle fleet for ice delivery

    The normal popsicles were followed by frozen novelties such as the Fürst-Pückler-Eis, which was still mainly made manually, so that the production was relatively expensive despite the low hourly wage of 54 pennies. Therefore, Heinrich Gosch and Ernst Steg sat down and developed a first "hand form with drawing device for stalkless ice for dipping in chocolate grease glaze". The Wentorfer master locksmith Lübcke, who built after the Trittau model forms and extractor devices, recognized very quickly the value of this technique and a year later, the northern German ice branch had these facilities. The competitors called this ice "Domino" or "Kluthen", in Trittau it was called "Schwarzröckchen". Thus, the Trittauer Meierei has earned good money and financed the further expansion of ice cream production and ice distribution, as one may easily recognize in the vehicle fleet for ice delivery.

    1955 Can washing machine

    The washing plant for cans, which was installed in 1955 as part of the extension of the dairy farm (see picture on the right), was a great relief for the farmers. They no longer had to laboriously clean their delivery containers, but got them back in a spotless manner.

    Milk cooling tub

    The already mentioned conversion of the milk collection in 1969 to tank collection wagons brought a further quality improvement: The milk is cooled in a separate dairy on the farm already in a provided by the dairy chrome nickel tub (see picture left) to 4 degrees Celsius.

    Here is the daily history of the milk is shown, from the cow to the counter.
    (To enlarge please click on the picture.)

    06:00 Milking time

    06:45 Tank collection car

    07:30 Pumping out the milk

    08:00 350.000 l

    09:00 Production

    10:00 Butter machine

    10:30 Quality control

    11:00 Control center

    12:00 Filling line

    13:00 Cold store

    14:00 Order acceptance

    17:00 Delivery
    Milk Butter Yogurt Mili ice

    Milk, butter, yoghurt and cheese are certainly the standard products of every dairy. In addition, the Trittauer dairy was characterized by special products and processing methods. In this context, reference is made to the Mili Eis, which from around 1950 contributed significantly to the turnover of the dairy, in particular the "Schwarzröckchen", on the sign on the right. In the fight against industry giants like Langnese, Mili Ice had become increasingly difficult. Therefore, in 1988 the division was sold to the Nuremberg manufacturer Schöller, which now belongs to the Nestlé Group.

    The Längerfrische

    In 1994, Trittauer dairy became the first milk processor in Europe to produce "longer-fresh" milk. A new process made it possible to produce fresh milk for 3 weeks. The delivered raw milk is heated to 70 and then homogenized. After passing through a filter system for cleaning, the steam injection process (FSH process) begins. The milk is steam injected after passing through heat exchangers. As a result, it is suddenly heated for 1 second from about 70 ° C to 125 ° C and germs are killed, but important ingredients and the fresh milk taste are retained. After brief heating, the milk is removed from the milk in a vacuum cooler and the milk is cooled to 4 ° C. Even with this innovative product, the dairy had to hold its own, because the German authorities initially did not want to allow the milk as fresh milk. Only thanks to the help of a Schleswig-Holstein MEP succeeded the breakthrough. The "Längerfrische" was not only marketed regionally, for the first time now the supply of trade centers could be tackled.


    Workforce of dairy 1943


    Recognition and success of dairy Trittau also depend on the performance of their employees. Many employees worked for dairy Trittau for 20, 30 or even over 40 years and felt well there. In the first years after the Second World War, it almost belonged to the village picture, that Wilhelm Gosch in wooden slippers and white jacket ran through Trittau and Sunday also mustered women for special shifts. Craftsmen and merchants, who already owned a car at that time, also exported ice cream. Also for the Meierists was special service in the ice factory of course, in addition to their normal workload. And married Meierists had their wives to pack for ice cream.

    Board Chairman Supervisory Board Chairman Management
  •     1894 - 1930 F. Benn, Trittau
  •     1930 - 1947 Dr. Harders, Trittau
  •     1947 - 1959 G. Scharnberg, Trittau
  •     1959 - 1972 Fr. Petersen, Trittau
  •     1973 - 1986 H. Elfenkämper, Hamfelde
  •     1986 - 1992 R. Scharnberg, Trittau
  •     1992 - 1995 D. Daniels, Wolkenwehe
  •     1995 - 2006 Ralf_Ingo Menzel, Meilsdorf
  •     2006 - 2011 Jürgen Ruge, Bargteheide
  •     1915 - 1928 J. Harders, Trittau
  •     1913 - 1930 K. Stapelfeld, Damker
  •     1928 - 1934 J. Steenfadt, Trittau
  •     1934 - 1936 Fr. Burmeister, Trittau
  •     1936 - 1940 W. Möller, Trittau
  •     1946 - 1949 H. Koops, Hamfelde
  •     1949 - 1959 A. Harders, Grande
  •     1960 - 1968 O. Kruse, Linau
  •     1968 - 1995 H. Niemeyer, Grönwohld
  •     1995 - 2011 F. Klose, Trittau
  •     1894 - Diekelmann
  •     1897 - Jarstorf
  •     1900 - Gerhard Henk
  •     1908 - Heinrich Evers
  •     1936 - Wilhelm Gosch
  •     1954 - Heinrich Gosch
  •     1994 - Klaus Prätorius
  •     2005 - Heiko Maschmann
  • Wilhelm Gosch
    Wilhelm Gosch
    Heinrich Gosch
    Heinrich Gosch

    For almost 60 years, Heinrich Gosch and his father Wilhelm Gosch have decisively shaped the development of dairy Trittau as managing director.


    In 2011 dairy Trittau merged with the Hansano of Updahl (Nordwestmecklenburg), 80 members of the cooperative voted in favor. The dairy Trittau was shut down and "mili milk" disappeared from the market, she was with the Maxifrischen of Hansano to "pasture". 37 organic farmers who deliver for the "Hamfelder Hof" brand had returned their shares. 23 of them have meanwhile built their own organic dairy "Hamfelder Hof" in Mühlenrade.

    In 2013, the dairy site was acquired by Günter Süllau, the managing director of the local Edeka market. The dairy will be demolished, on the grounds shall arise an "urban appealing and attractive building". Based on the considerations of politics and administration, there should be a closed development to the roundabout church street. On the upper floors are planned 20 to 30 old-style apartments, on the ground floor an Edeka market with a sales area of 2200 square meters plus an integrated beverage market of about 500 square meters.

    An interesting video (© Julian Geisler) about the history of dairy Trittau from the very beginning to the demolition 2017 can be found here.

    Edeka Süllau Nov. 2019

    In autumn 2019 the new building was completed.

    Meierei grounds November 2017

    In November 2017, all buildings were completely demolished (see picture on the right) and are now waiting for the new building.


    Cheese corner

    Brand Mili

    Stairs down gear


    Noteworthy is the fact that Mr. Süllau stores the memory of the old Meierei in the new Edeka department by numerous pictures in the building and upright in the salesrooms. I would like to thank him for that. You can see a small selection of these pictures here.



    I thank Heinrich Gosch, who provided me with the commemorative publication for the 100th anniversary of the Meierei Trittau and supported me in all respects with all necessary information.